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有機椰糖 Organic Coco Sugar



成份: 有機椰子樹開花時的汁液經稍微提煉後製成的天然食糖.
包裝 : - 250克直身封袋 - 每箱80包
- 1公斤 - 每箱25包
- 小包獨立鋁箔袋 (3.5克) - 50包一盒 ,每箱50盒


低血糖指標 <35,進食時血糖不會突然急劇增升。低血糖指標有助於控制和管理糖尿病,同時亦有利於控制體重。

不同於精煉糖和人造食糖,椰糖是現今市場上其中一種最有營養價值的糖類.它包含20種必需胺基酸當中的16種、12種必需維他命B、13種重要礦物如鈣、鋅、鐵、鎂等, 以及一種能使椰糖維持低血糖指標的可溶性饍食纖維 -菊澱粉.



Organic Coconut Sugar

Ingredient : Made from 100% freshly harvested sap of organic coconut tree flower blossom.
- 250gm stand up pouch. 80 pouches/ box
- 1 kg./ pack. 25 pack/ box.
- box of 50 sachet (3.5gm). 50 box/ box.
USDA certified organic. Halal certified. Ceres certified.
Product of the Philippines.

The perfect all natural healthy alternative to refined sugar and artificial sweetener.

Coconut sugar is a whole food. A natural sweetener made from the sap of the organic coconut tree flower blossom. It has no additives, no preservatives, no synthetic adulterants as compared with chemical based and laboratory-made sweeteners.

It has a low glycemic index of <35, which means it won't cause a spike in blood sugar level when consumed. The low glycemic index is good for proper control and management of diabetes mellitus and for weight management.

Unlike refined sugar and artificial sweetener, coconut sugar is one of the most nutrient rich sweetener in the market today. It contains 16 of the 20 essential amino acid, 12 of the essential B vitamins, 13 important minerals like calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium etc, a soluble dietary fiber called inulin which is the major contribution to coconut sugar's low glycemic index.

Coconut sugar is a sustainable product and helps to protect the environment as compared with the production of other commercial sweetener/sugar. Coconut sugar is the Single Most Sustainable Sweetener in the world according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the World Bank.